Monday, January 5, 2009


I notice I dissect everything in my day when thinking about what to blog. Today was an introspective day of sorts. It started off with a team meeting, which was to help us think about our strengths and how to use them to make our team more productive and successful. We were given a a list of questions like how often in a week do you experience an emotional high at work, how many times in a week do you get so wrapped up in your work that you lose track of time, things like that. What it made me realize and think about, however, wasn't what my strengths are but that I've never experienced an emotional high from work...ever, and in fact I never lose track of time - I know exactly how many minutes are left in the day till I can turn my computer off. Are you trying to tell me not everyone knows that?! Yikes! So I started planning my vacation. Yup, I think that team meeting worked!

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