Friday, November 20, 2009

"Always read stuff that will make you look good if you die in the middle of it." Anonymous

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Nobody Said Life Was Fair

John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton said, "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men. " A lot of the time, this is true. Nobody said life was fair - if you're lucky enough to land in a spot of authority you'll savour the rewards even if they aren't warranted. Sad that I'm reminded of that way too often.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Enough Already!

Ok, so I haven't blogged since September. So? Have you?! Seriously though, I'm not gonna try to make up excuses that I'm super busy (but I am) or that I've been away (but I was), I'm just gonna say that I didn't want to. Is that what you want to hear? Really?!

So what have I been up to then? Well, let's see. I registered in a leadership program through work. I'm gonna be honest here, I did it because I thought it would look good and it's what management would want to see...go through the maze, find the itty bits of cheese and get to the end. Well to my surprise I'm getting lots out of it but it's a flippin' ton of work! It's not like I'm not busy enough at work these days but then I have to go home, read my text book and do homework assignments. And it's not like you can get lazy about it either cuz it's way too easy to fall behind! I've also been putting in a lot of overtime at work trying to get the business plan perfect before it goes to the Minister, evenings, weekends...funny, I don't see anyone else from my area though...

I also started a photography course at Metro college. It's only for a month, three hours on Thursdays and whaddaya know? It's got homework too!

I'm sure you've all heard that I won't be doing the Legislative Assembly craft sale this year after all. They had apparently sent out information packages back in September. Well, when I realized I didn't know what to expect for Dec. 2nd and 3rd I called the office. They said that they hadn't heard from me and that's when they told me they sent packages out in September. Anyway to make a long story short, I asked if there were still tables available to which she said, "As of today? We have no tables." At first I was all disappointed but this weekend I baked up a batch of cupcakes for a girlfriend's daughter and I couldn't get myself organized and that was only for 24 cupcakes! Yikes...dodged a bullet when I think about it now!

Now it's time to think about the holidays...really??? I'm so not there yet but I guess time doesn't slow down just cuz you're not ready for stuff! Have to decide about parties, presents, when to have Christmas dinner and where. I'm just not feeling it yet. Maybe I should start rehearsing a little jingle for getting me into the Christmas spirit, "Mom made beans for dinner..." La la la...