Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I find people fascinating. I find what people do fascinating. Totally makes sense why I took sociology in University. I love sitting back and watching. Anticipating. Predicting. Gives me a little jolt! Some people can change the energy of a group with their mood, just the mood they bring in on that day - fascinating! Some people are incredibly easy to read. Others you can only guess. Some days it's like a switch. A person will be happy and calm, something happens, click. Somebody flipped the switch and it's panic mode. Fascinating.

Monday, September 20, 2010

And It's Over...

Did you blink? I think I blinked. I sure didn't see it at all...let alone feel it! Tomorrow is the official start of fall. Fall people!!! Apparently summer started on June 21st, yup and tomorrow it's over. Have you looked outside today? Yeah, nice last day of summer. I don't know what we did collectively to deserve this summer this year but we clean up our act! Can you imagine what winter's gonna look like if that was summer?! I'm heading out to buy some boots and long underwear tonight!

I am proud of myself today. I stepped up last week to help somebody out, stepped out of my box, out of my comfort zone. Yes, I was nervous but I did it - I pushed myself and you know what? I succeeded! And it made me happy. It's so easy to make excuses (real or imaginary ones) to keep yourself behind the wall, rather than try something new - who knows you might fail. But you might not...you won't know if you'll succeed unless you try and stretching yourself builds character. I'm guilty of not pushing myself as often as I should. Sometimes it's a long period of time that flies by before I challenge myself and sometimes that makes me feel like I can't do something, I don't know how or I forgot how to push myself. This past weekend made me realize I should do it more often so I don't have those fears and trepidations.

But I'm gonna do it indoors, I'm not strong enough to deal with this kinda weather!