Saturday, January 3, 2009

Armed and Dangerous!!!

You know what they say about idle hands...they're the devil's playground! Not my hands man! I woke up with a mission - to clean our house from top to bottom. Yup, armed with my Swiffer duster, some Windex and my vaccuum...I waged war upon the dust rhinos lurking in the corners, under the where to hide! There's something therapeutic about doing a deep clean, it invigorates me! I also feel less guilt when I'm lazy on later in the day!

Watched an interesting program on National Geographic this afternoon about gangs in St. Louis. Some crazy stuff. What I don't get is life is so much more fun and interesting when you don't have to watch your back or watch someone die. Has anyone ever told them that? Wouldn't they rather play football in the park with their friends, or grab a beer and watch some sports on tv? One, it's less messy and two they might have a laugh or two, not to mention they'd be less bitter. Totally different world and I have to say I'm so thankful that I was born into the world I'm living in - it's so much easier.

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