Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Let's Try This Out

So 2008 is coming to a close and I'm starting to think about what kind of person I want to be in 2009. I'm not saying I'm going to change who I am, no sex change or witness protection program in my near future - I'm just thinking about how I want to 'better' myself. I want to be a happy person - alright, for those that know me I'm generally happy so perhaps to be more accurate, I'd like to be an even happier person. I want to annihilate those caddy thoughts that roll around my head when I don't like someone. I want to understand that the slow driver in front of me may have had a horrible accident in the past and they're just being cautious on the road and not intentionally trying to make my day horrible. I want to see the good in people and let that shine for them. I want to forget the wrongs that have happened in the past and move forward.
A lot of people make resolutions to break a habit or to radically change their life, lose 20 pounds. I know, for me at least, that resolutions don't last. It's almost a guaranteed let down for my essence of being - an 'I told you so' moment in time. Why set yourself up for failure?
This year my whole goal is going to be positive self talk...I'm not committing to not getting in a bad mood or not giving into those caddy thoughts...I'm committing to being a happier person in 2009 - one who is thankful for everything in my life - even that slow driver cuz at least he's not some @$$ who's cutting me off on icy roads. Thank you for not running me off the road, that makes me happy! See?! It's not that hard to find something to be happy about! Hmmm...this is gonna be a great year!

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