Tuesday, November 9, 2010

And Then What?

Ok, I have experienced, well, ...an experience! No other way to say that. This is going to sound like a weird blog post because I don't really know what it is I'm trying to share with you. Monday night Bruce and I had the opportunity to attend an intimate concert to see Amy Seeley and Jesh de Rox in person. Or so we thought it was to see them in concert. The evening was so much more than that! Jesh is on a journey experimenting with music as an avenue to explore the invisible vital connections between us. He and Amy have been working together to bring this about - it was truly an interactive evening. We were part of the songs performed, we shared ourselves with everyone there...we stepped into the unknown. I think some stepped back but I think there were some of us that stayed for awhile and mightn't have even stepped back yet. I think I'm still on the other side. I haven't been particularly moved by anything before, well not blindsided by what seemed like a nonchalant event like a concert. Somehow the whole experience has inched under my skin and has touched me in a way I'm not familiar with, maybe not even so comfortable with but I'm intrigued by it and I want more. It was like the universe was reaching out to me and trying to send me a message. It was pulling all sorts of threads of my life, that seemed to be separate, and laying them into one piece of cloth before me. Jesh was talking about how we think it'd be sick if a person was to tell a two-week old baby that they wouldn't amount to anything, that they were stupid or ugly. We wouldn't do that. But it doesn't cross our mind to do that to someone who's not a baby - what's the difference? We all were two weeks old at one time, and we need to remember that baby that is in all of us. Of course that sent shivers up my spine as I haven't blogged in over a month and just last week I decided to blog about seeing the kid in each of us and how that changed my day. The coincidence doesn't stop there - he asked each of us to write down a time that was significant in our lives and phrase it as more of a statement than a recollection and to throw it into a bowl. He and Amy played another song and then he passed the bowl around and asked everyone to take a piece of paper - and to make sure it's not your own. I was the last person to pick, and I picked my own! He then asked us to turn to our neighbour and sincerely say "I'm not alone". What had I wrote on my little piece of paper? "I'm not alone". Tell me the universe isn't screaming in my ear! I was on the verge of tears the whole night...something was happening but I'm not sure what it was. And then the evening was over. But I'm still on that 'unknown' side. I feel like I've been left there...what am I supposed to do next?! I've just started some kind of journey. I've started, but now what?

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