Monday, May 11, 2009

Hi Again!

It's so hard to get into a routine but it seems like no effort to break out of one! Funny how that works. I know I said I would try to blog every night...I know I said it helps me vent and work out the day's events and then I turn around and take a long vacation from it but somehow just stayed in the city. No, there's no excuse. We didn't go on an extended holiday to a location void of technology, no....there wasn't a tornado that swept through and whipped the roof off our house and left my laptop to the mercy of the elements. Nope. However, laziness and lack of attention did make an appearance in my life, actually they put up a fence around my laptop...yup, that's what happened. But yours truly KNOCKED DOWN that fence cuz nothing can hold me back from talking to you! It may have taken awhile but I got through! Whew...let's continue...

If I go all out and share everything that I've missed blogging about for the past week, then I'd surely overload you so I'll ease you back into it. Our house is completely painted now! It's like we moved into a show home that we toured a few months back...everything's so clean and new yet so familiar! I'm glad we did it. I admit I was very nervous coming home the first day and admittedly had some doubts but now that it's been five days, I can safely say it feels like home! We're taking our time deciding what goes back up and if things will be put in their same place as before or if they find a new resting ground. We're both a little hesitant to put holes in the wall to hang pictures but leaning a picture gives it a new dimension too. New dimensions are good!

I know you must almost be in overdrive now after having a few days off so I will pause here and we will continue tomorrow. I promise.

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