Monday, February 21, 2011

There are only so many tomorrows. ~Pope Paul IV~

You've probably noticed I write alot about finding happiness, living a meaningful life, being a better person. I scour websites and blogs looking for guidelines and the secret to finding/living a great life. Tonight I Googled 'living life in a month' and stumbled across a book on called, "One Month to Live" by Kerry and Chris Shook. All this time I've been reading self improvement blogs looking for inspiration and I found it in a book about living life in a month. "Our lives are reduced to two dates and a little dash between. We don't get to decide the dates on our gravestone but we do get to decide how we use our dash." That thought stopped me dead in my tracks. My dash is pretty empty to this point. I shouldn't say empty, I have my quirky family, my incredible husband whom I can't imagine life without, my friends who are there every step of the way for me but I haven't lived much of my dash yet and I think I better get on that!

Death is more universal than life; everyone dies but not everyone lives. ~Alan Sachs~

I'm Not Alone

Wow! Time has slipped by. In the past couple of months a lot has been happening in my life and I noticed that things have been spinning around in my head. They're spinning cuz I haven't given them any attention on their own. I haven't broken them down individually, I haven't written them down, I haven't blogged.

I literally just had an 'a-ha' moment. Do you remember back in November when I wrote about the Amy Seeley and Jesh deRox intimate concert affair? Since that night, time has had a hand in that experience fading into the background but I can't help but think that that evening happened for a reason and it's coming to the forefront again for me. I'm sitting here listening to Night Bus by Lucy Rose on repeat (maybe five times already). The lyrics "I'm not alone" just jumped out at me and I was transported back to that November night when I wrote "I'm not alone". I'm going through alot of stuff right now and...I'm not alone. Although I've felt alone for a while now cuz I just don't know what to do with everything in my life - all of a sudden in the last few minutes, I think the universe is trying to tell me that it's going to be ok.